Thursday 17 November 2011


Today i started working in Ollie's group and i wrote up the production log, which can be found below. I also booked the camera for the group to use when we start shooting the animation.

Production Log

The Director – Ollie

Producer – Ollie

Camera person – Andy

Chief Animator – Charlotte

Chief Editor – Andy

We will shoot the images in any room with a table, so the only permission will we need is to use a room.

The camera will be above the animation and the animation will be done on the arm resting on the table.

The only props we will need are a pen, some cleaning wipes and some black card to put under the arm. Ollie will get the pen and cleaning wipes from a shop so we don’t need to make any of them. The black card will be used as the background and we can get that from college.

One problem that we may have is that it might be hard to remove the pen from the arm.

We will need to book a camera with a tripod and some lighting.